The BTK AtomIterable Concept


An object that models the AtomIterable Concept allows iteration over a range of Atom objects, and allows the user to query the size of that range.

This concept specifies only that an object should be able to iterate over a range of atom objects, not necessarily that it should contain those objects. In particular, while all AtomicStructure objects are AtomIterable, not all AtomIterable objects are AtomicStructures.


X -- A type that models the AtomIterable Concept
x -- An object of type x

Associated Types:

Size Type
An unsigned integral type

Atom Iterator Type
A type conforming to the AtomIterator Concept

Const Atom Iterator Type
A type conforming to the AtomIterator Concept, that may only be used to examine (not modify) atoms.

Reverse Atom Iterator Type
An STL ReverseIterator whose base iterator type is an atom_iterator

Const Reverse Atom Iterator Type
An STL ReverseIterator whose base iterator type is a const_atom_iterator



Valid Expressions:

Expression Type Reqirements Precondition Semantics Postcondition Complexity

 size_type x.num_atoms() const 
Returns the size of the atom range.

 atom_iterator x.structure_begin() 
x is mutable Returns an iterator pointing to the first atom in the range. x.atom_begin() is either dereferenceable, or past-the-end. It is past the end iff x.atom_size() == 0 O(1)

 atom_iterator x.structure_end() 
x is mutable Returns an iterator pointing one past the last atom in the range. O(1)

 const_atom_iterator x.structure_begin() const 
Returns an iterator pointing to the first atom in the range. x.atom_begin() is either dereferenceable, or past-the-end. It is past the end iff x.atom_size() == 0 O(1)

 const_atom_iterator x.structure_end() const 
Returns an iterator pointing one past the last atom in the range. O(1)

 reverse_atom_iterator x.structure_rbegin() 
x is mutable Equivalent to reverse_atom_iterator(x.structure_end()) x.atom_rbegin() is either dereferenceable, or past-the-end. It is past the end iff x.atom_size() == 0 O(1)

 reverse_atom_iterator x.structure_rend() 
x is mutable Equivalent to reverse_atom_iterator(x.structure_begin()) O(1)

 const_reverse_atom_iterator x.structure_rbegin() const 
Equivalent to const_reverse_atom_iterator(x.structure_end()) x.atom_rbegin() is either dereferenceable, or past-the-end. It is past the end iff x.atom_size() == 0 O(1)

 const_reverse_atom_iterator x.structure_rend() const 
Equivalent to const_reverse_atom_iterator(x.structure_begin()) O(1)




Generated on Sun Jul 15 20:46:28 2007 for BTK Core by  doxygen 1.5.1